
Popcorn 2023

Popcorn fundraising will be here soon! Important things to know:

–Make sure you attend the Popcorn Kickoff meeting on August 29th! This is a mandatory meeting for all scouts and parents.

— We are NOT selling popcorn! We are selling scouting and popcorn is the benefit you get when you donate to BSA!

–Download the Trail’s End app to your phone. You will receive an email invitation for your child to join Trail’s End. This will help you navigate all of your fundraising.

–Post to your social media. Let family and friends know you’re raising funds for Cub Scouts.

Are you new to popcorn? Below are some terms we use:

Popcorn blitz: A Blitz Day is an organized day for a group of scouts to go out fundraising in a specific area together. Scouts have fun with their friends as they travel to a neighborhood. A neighborhood can be covered very quickly with several scouts each going door to door. We have several Blitz Days already on our calendar! See which days work for you.

Wagon fundraising: One of the most effective fundraising methods! In this case, a unit signs out popcorn to a scout or two who takes it throughout their neighborhood, fundraising as he or she goes. Popcorn is pulled in a wagon with the scout and sold directly to the customer. The parent must be with the scout at all times!

Storefront: This is like an “old school” lemonade stand. You have a booth set up outside of a store and sell scouting right outside the door! You can sign up for storefront shifts in the Trail’s End app.

Online: Scouts can create their own customized page on the Trail’s End app. Customers place online orders and have the popcorn shipped directly to their homes.

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